Ocean Visions Biennial Summit 2025: Advancing Solutions for Ocean-Climate Restoration
The Summit will explore approaches and solutions to climate disruption in the ocean through the lens of four key themes.
Our ocean is under threat from many pressures, but none loom larger than the greenhouse gas pollution causing climate disruption. The effects of greenhouse gas pollution are particularly dangerous to the ocean, driving steady heating and acidification. Ocean heating means less oxygen for marine life, sea level rise, and disruption of critical ecosystem functions and services, upon which nature and humanity rely. Simultaneously, the ocean’s absorption of massive quantities of carbon dioxide pollution is increasing its acidity, threatening the viability of many species. The only way to solve these problems is to dial back carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. This means reducing emissions and cleaning up legacy pollution. To do this at the scale and speed necessary requires the power of the ocean, and the proliferation of innovative new technologies and solutions.
Ocean Visions is a non-profit organization that catalyzes innovation at the intersection of the ocean and climate crises. We facilitate multisector collaborations from within our Network and beyond, working with leading research institutions, the private sector, and public-interest organizations to fully explore and advance responsible and effective ocean-based climate solutions. In short, we work to stabilize the climate and restore ocean health.
Ocean Visions’ new four-part agenda focuses on directly addressing the causes and impacts of ocean-climate disruption.
What an honor it was to host our 2023 Summit from April 4-6 in Atlanta! 400 solvers from the ocean-climate community gathered to advance solutions to help restore the ocean and climate – creating a new narrative of informed hope.
I’m optimistic that 2023 will be a big year to advance an agenda to restore the climate and heal the ocean, thanks to the increasing momentum I see globally to employ new tools to address the planet’s complex challenges. – Ocean Visions Chief Executive Officer Brad Ack
The Summit will explore approaches and solutions to climate disruption in the ocean through the lens of four key themes.
Ocean Visions fully supports the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s new national strategy to advance research into marine carbon dioxide removal.
Ocean Visions’ digital road map designed to mobilize efforts to advance collective knowledge
Ocean Visions is a nonprofit organization at the center of a robust network comprised of leading universities and oceanographic institutions, and a diverse set of practitioner partners. Ocean Visions works to engage and focus resources from across this network for concerted action, catalyzing collaboration for the co-design, development, testing, and evaluation of solutions to the interlocking ocean-climate crisis.