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Ocean Visions mCDR Field Trial Database

Ocean Visions’ new high level road map emphasizes the importance of field trials of different mCDR technologies, at appropriate scales, to answer important outstanding questions, such as efficacy, durability, measurability, and impact to marine ecosystems and humans.

A growing number of field trials performed by research institutions, startups, and others are being conducted in a variety of geographic locations.

To increase awareness of the state of development and improve knowledge-sharing across the ocean-climate community, Ocean Visions has built a database of all known field trials. The tool includes information on the different mCDR pathways being tested, details of carbon dioxide sequestration, MRV strategy, and lessons learned from the trials. 

We plan to keep the database up to date, so please help us! If you have any suggested improvements to the database, associated charts of maps, or have general inquiries, please contact us at


mCDR Field Trial Database

(Last updated July 8, 2024)

The information provided in this database is self-reported. If you are associated with a trial listed above and would like to suggest modifications to the entries, please do so using the “Edit Field Trial” form or the button below. Use the “Add new Field Trial” form or the button below to add new or missing field trials to the database. 

In addition to the database, we have created a map to better demonstrate the geographic spread of these experiments.

Data Dashboard coming soon.