What a thrill and honor it was for all of us at Ocean Visions to host the 2023 Biennial Summit! The event brought together nearly 400 “solvers” and “makers” from the ocean-climate community; people who are committed to developing and advancing a range of solutions that can restore both the ocean and the climate, and help humanity and nature survive climate change impacts. Get the highlights and watch the recorded sessions.
Ocean Visions Biennal Summit 2023
The Ocean Visions Biennial Summit 2023 will be a significant opportunity to advance the sharing of knowledge and solutions to critical challenges at the ocean-climate nexus.
The ocean is under threat from a host of pressures, but none loom larger than those caused by greenhouse gas pollution, which drives overheating and acidification. Ocean heating is in turn causing deoxygenation, sea level rise, and disruption of critical marine ecosystem functions and services.
In order to address this ocean-climate crisis, the world needs to generate and scale innovative solutions much more effectively and quickly.
Summit participants will share and discuss cutting-edge advancements in ocean sciences, engineering, policy, governance and economics that support trajectory-changing solutions to the dangerous climate impacts on the ocean.

Ocean Visions partnered with the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for event management. Full Summit details can be found on AGU’s Ocean Visions Biennial Summit 2023 web portal.

The Summit will be held at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia from April 4-6, 2023. A virtual attendance option is also offered. We welcome a diversity of solutions-oriented participants, including scientists, academics, policymakers, innovators, and funders.
The program is structured around five topical tracks:
- Ocean-Based Contributions to Global Decarbonization: This track will focus on the ocean’s potential contributions to low or zero carbon energy, food, transport, and materials
- Ocean-Based Contributions to Carbon Dioxide Removal: This track will feature the latest innovations and issues from practitioners advancing ocean-based pathways to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as well as those working to build related governance systems and monitoring frameworks.
- Ocean Ecosystem Repair and Regeneration: This track will explore what ocean conservation might look like in the mid-21st century as the climate crisis intensifies and ecosystems approach tipping points.
- Human Adaptation to a Changing Ocean: This track will explore the array of responses necessary to support human adaptation to a changing ocean.
- Building a Global Community of Solvers at the Ocean-Climate Nexus: This track will feature the social, technological, and economic innovations and solutions required to expand a global community of solvers at the ocean-climate nexus.

Session Types
The Summit program is designed for a multidisciplinary community to share knowledge and advance solutions to the twinned ocean and climate crises. The Summit will be highly interactive, with a mix of session types such as plenaries, lightning presentations, posters, an innovation showcase, and “connect and collaborate” opportunities to meet in small groups to discuss scientific topics, career paths, and more.
Registration has closed.