Our Approach

Who We Are
Ocean Visions is a science-based, nonprofit conservation organization. We work with and across diverse sectors and disciplines to identify, co-design, evaluate, and support the implementation of bold, ocean-based solutions to counter and reverse climate impacts to the ocean. We provide support for the development, testing, and application of solutions, and for the creation of enabling social and political frameworks.
Our Vision
We envision a healthy, regenerated ocean that is no longer threatened by climate impacts.

Our Network
Ocean Visions sits at the center of a robust network comprised of leading universities and oceanographic institutions, and a diverse set of practitioner partners. Ocean Visions works to engage and focus resources from across this network for concerted action, catalyzing collaboration for the co-design, development, testing, and evaluation of solutions to the interlocking ocean-climate crisis.
Our Goals
Build momentum and action to address the existential threats to the ocean created by global climate disruption.
Support prolific innovation, development, and demonstration of ocean-based solutions that can address and hopefully exceed the scale and pace of negative climate-caused changes in the ocean.
Build and engage a vibrant and diverse global community committed to tackling the ocean-climate crisis.

Our Values
Ocean Visions was created from recognition of the need for innovative and durable solutions at the ocean-climate nexus. We create meaningful impact through work that centers scientific integrity, collaboration, creativity and boldness, and humility.
Our Funders
Ocean Visions is grateful for the generous support it received for 2024 from the following:
- Astera Institute
- Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust
- Builders Initiative
- ClimateWorks Foundation
- Georgia Aquarium
- Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham Environmental Trust
- Kissick Family Foundation
- Radhika & Ambarish Malpani Foundation Inc
- Schmidt Marine Technology Partners