Ocean Visions at COP27
The 27th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties is taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt from November 6 – 18, 2022. It is an opportunity for governments, the private sector, civil society, and communities to champion and invest in climate actions to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Ocean Visions will be at COP27 to expand the dialogue on advancing solutions at the ocean-climate nexus. We look forward to engaging with stakeholders and invite you to join us in person or online at the following events:

Organized by Ocean Visions, this event will feature leading policymakers, scientists, and ocean experts in an interactive discussion that will focus on next steps for creating the supportive, equitable, and collaborative policy frameworks to advance research and testing of ocean-based climate solutions at scale.
José Miguel Benavente
Executive Vice President of the Chilean Production Development Corporation (CORFO)
Susan Lozier
Dean of the College of Sciences at Georgia Tech University and President of the American Geophysical Union
Monica Medina
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, US State Department
Izabella Teixeira
Co-Chair International Resource Panel – UN Environment, Former Minister of Environment, Brazil
Philip Thigo
Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Presidency of Kenya, Africa lead for the Global Carbon Removal Partnership
Brad Ack
Executive Director, Ocean Visions
Blue-Green Industry for Sustainability
9, November | 11:00 – 1:00 GMT+2
Science for Climate Action Pavilion, Blue Zone
Organizer: WMO, IPCC, & MERI Foundation
This panel will discuss the importance of moving towards sustainable production patterns, as well as the importance of monitoring the impact of human activities on marine and terrestrial ecosystems in order to move towards sustainability.
Ocean Visions Speaker: GEOS Program Director Leonardo Valenzuela Pérez
Climate Change in the Mediterranean Area: Challenges, Impacts and Solutions
9, November | 3:00 – 4:30 GMT+2
Ocean Pavilion
Organizer: National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt
This event will discuss the potential of research and innovation to increase the resilience of the Mediterranean region against environmental, food security and socioeconomic challenges, as well as to promote science diplomacy.
Ocean Visions Speaker: Executive Director Brad Ack
Mobilizing Action to Scale Carbon Removal Solutions through the Global Carbon Removal Partnership
10, November | 12:00 GMT+2
Green Zone Pavilion
Organizers: Presidency of the Republic of Kenya and Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University
This action-oriented discussion will focus on the fundamental role of carbon removal in achieving the Paris Declaration target of 1.5 degrees Celsius. To usher in this transformation, bold and collective action must be taken by high-level stakeholders, leaders of governments, private companies, civil society, academic institutions, and more. The multi-stakeholder Global Carbon Removal Partnership (GCRP) was launched at COP26 as a vehicle to spur innovation and scale the full range of natural and technological carbon removal solutions around the world. Ocean Visions is a founding member.
Ocean Visions Speaker: Executive Director Brad Ack
Roundtable: Creating a Common Agenda for Our Shared Ocean
11, November | 1:30 – 2:15 GMT+2
Park Recency Hotel, Grand Ballroom
Organizer: Oceanic Global
The Roundtable: Creating a Common Agenda for our Shared Ocean is an opportunity to create a strong link between the COP27 negotiation process and the discussions in the Ocean x Climate Summit. It will dive into what it means specifically to create a strong ocean-climate focus on the agenda within the UNFCCC ecosystem, at the climate COPs, as well as other key international cross-sector convenings. This will be a time for all to contribute their ocean agenda priorities to build a collective vision for how diverse actors and sectors can influence formal negotiations and dialogue in such processes.
Ocean Visions Roundtable Participant: GEOS Program Director Leonardo Valenzuela Pérez
Ocean Change: Adaptation and Mitigation Opportunities and Challenges
12, November | 9:30 – 11:00 GMT+2
Ocean Pavilion
Organizer: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
This side event will provide a platform to explore the opportunities & challenges for nations and stakeholders related to observing and understanding ocean change; local & regional adaptation mechanisms to a rapidly changing ocean; including the conservation and restoration of carbon rich ecosystems, the safe implementation of ocean carbon dioxide removal technologies; and climate smart ocean management for supporting sustainable development and protecting ocean life and those that depend on it.
Ocean Visions Speaker: Executive Director Brad Ack
Subnational Leadership on Climate-Ocean Action: Assessing Risk and Deploying Local Response
12, November | 11:30 – 12:30 GMT+2
America is All In Pavilion
Organizers: International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification and The Pew Charitable Trusts
Hear from subnational leaders on the front lines of addressing climate-ocean change who are using a variety of strategies to assess climate risk and information needs, leverage investments, and formulate solutions that apply targeted science to management at local and regional scales.
Ocean Visions Speaker: Executive Director Brad Ack
Blue Climate Solutions: Considering the Ocean’s Role in Our Path to Net Negative Emissions
16, November | 10:30 – 12:00 GMT+2
Ocean Pavilion
Organizer: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Every path to a sustainable climate future must pass through the ocean. We will discuss the scientific basis for ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approaches to complement deep emissions reductions, as well as the research agenda, governance structure, investment needs, and ethical framework necessary to ensure a sustainable climate future for all.
Ocean Visions Speaker: Executive Director Brad Ack